Drones for Reality Modeling


Many existing structures have no information model, no accurate records, possibly some unreliable or outdated 2D drawings. If you are operating in an existing plant for instance with poor engineering records, we can now capture a precise 3D model using digital photographs taken from unmanned aerial vehicles to render an information model that you can maintain going forward.


Creating 3D Asset Drawings

To model a given asset, the aerial image acquisition process requires sharp overlapping photographs to capture imagery datasets which are used to not only observe current state but also to compare them to the model as time goes on.

Once the 3D models are created, they can be used to improve the construction of new facilities as well as in ongoing operations. Recurring 3D reconstruction will support inspection processes, and will allow engineers and designers to work on a 3D model that is always up to date for their enhancement or maintenance plans.

Drones and reality modeling should be a part of every maintenance organization and every proactive maintenance workflow to dramatically enhance productivity and safety in infrastructure asset inspections.

Conducting Inspections in Out of Reach Areas

From structural integrity issues on bridges and roads, to wind turbine blades, rig inspections, pipeline monitoring for wall thickness, welds, corrosion and other structural integrity issues, unmanned aerial vehicles with mounted cameras are helping maintenance to more easily and cost-effectively observe these out-of-reach conditions.

Bridge and road inspections, especially as regulatory guidelines move towards reliability-based inspection practices, will require flexibility as the frequency of inspections changes based on operating context. Water and power utilities are benefiting from unmanned drones using high definition sonar to conduct subsea inspections. All in all, the use of drones can make what used to be a difficult and costly task, easier and more cost effective.

Drones and reality modeling can and should be a part of every maintenance organization and every proactive maintenance workflow to dramatically enhance productivity and safety in infrastructure asset inspections.

Reporting & Communication

Airscope makes it possible to visualize your 3D model at any given moment in time and communicate effectively with stakeholders. The result is reduced site visits; saving you time, money, and helping to keep people safe.

From our 3D Reality models, measurements can also be exported into tables and all major GIS software packages including ArcGIS, CAD & Bentley.